Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Intro blog

 Hello, I am Sebastian Suarez-Espino; I’m 15 years old and I’m taking this class because I’m interested in Media Studies. I love movies, but more importantly I love what comes with making them. My favorite films have to be Buster’s Mal Heart, School of Rock, and The Runaways. What I want to accomplish in this class is learn the proper tools and terminology to create a short film the way I envision. I am of hispanic descent, I have an older sibling, and two loving parents. My biggest dream is to make a film that envisions I and my parents culture while mixing my own interests. I hope with this class i will be able to further my creativity and love for film making. If i was able to i would make a movie with my favorite music artists, maybe centered around them (E.X, Joan Jett and Rob Zombie). I feel like I will be able to really flourish in this class in general, I’ll definitely try my best. Disregarding what i said prior, i would love to make a film like “No Country for Old Men” featuring Javier Bardem the emotions put behind the movie and the acting was great. The types of films I prefer are usually the more darker/serious ones, but, with films like The School of Rock I can’t help but to love it with Jack Blacks great acting and the punk-rock inspiration it’s hard to resist. Admittedly I enjoy a plethora movies, from as dumb as “The Big Lewboski” to as serious as The Dark-knight trilogy, I don’t mean to sound pretentious but, I enjoy movies so much. Here i’m going to attach a clip from one of my favorite films “No Country for Old Men” : 

This shows an amazing amount of acting a camera work from both actors. It’s honestly amazing what they did which such a small space, and even with anton not yelling and being violent you can tell he’s still very much a threat. A film like No Country for Old Men is something I want to produce when i’m older. I hope i’m given the chance to get better at film making with this boo class. I am honestly looking forward to starting my project and to start creating my creative prowess. That’s going to be the end of my first blog, thank you. 

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